Terms & Conditions

Terms and conditions of access and use of the website.

TRIM STUDIOS S.R.L. - CUIT 30712280235 with legal address at Avenida Rafael Núñez N° 6107 - Piso 1° - City of Córdoba - Province of Córdoba - Argentine Republic (hereinafter the "Company" and/or the "Owner"), as owner of the website www.sytex.io website (hereinafter the "Site") makes available to all Internet users who wish to access the contents, and/or services, and/or products offered by the Company, the terms and conditions detailed below, which shall govern the access and use of the Site (hereinafter the "Terms and Conditions"):

Applicable Law, Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction

The Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Argentina. Any controversy related to the same shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of the Ordinary Courts of First Instance of the City of Córdoba, Province of Córdoba, Argentine Republic, excluding any other jurisdiction that may correspond.

Validity and Validity

The Terms and Conditions may be modified unilaterally, without prior notice, and at the sole discretion of Trim Studios S.R.L., without the need to express any cause.

They shall be valid from the date of their publication on the Site, and shall remain valid until they are replaced by a new version, and/or until the Holder communicates its loss of validity, and/or until the Company decides to terminate the Site.  

User / Client. Contractual Relationship

To enter the Site, remain on it, and make inquiries regarding the products and/or services offered by the Holder, the user must be a human person over 18 years of age and with the capacity to contract (hereinafter the "User" and/or the "Client").

The sole permanence in the Site by the User implies his/her irrevocable and unconditional acceptance of the Terms and Conditions in force, and he/she must adjust his/her behavior in the Site according to the regulations stipulated by the Owner.

For the purpose of making inquiries and/or contacting the Company and/or contracting any of the products and/or services marketed by the Company, the User shall provide personal and contact data through the Site, being the only responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the personal information provided to the Holder. In turn, the latter shall treat the information received as confidential information and guarantee the due protection of personal data.

The Company hereby states that the mere entry and permanence in the Site by the User shall not constitute any kind of contract between them.


The User is informed that Trim Studios S.R.L. may use a tracking system through the use of cookies, small files that are installed on the hard disk of a computer, with a limited duration in time, which help to personalize the services offered by the owner of a website.

Cookies are used for the purpose of enabling the owner of a website to learn the interests, behavior and demographics of visitors to or Users of the Site, and to better understand their needs and interests in order to provide a better browsing experience on the Site.

The Terms and Conditions govern the use of cookies for the Site, not the use of cookies by advertisers. The Company has no control over the use of cookies by third parties. The User may prevent his browser from accepting cookies, in which case Trim Studios S.R.L. does not guarantee the correct functioning of the services and contents offered through the Site.

Access to and use of the Site. Confidentiality.

By accessing, staying and using the Site, the User is responsible for the confidentiality of the data provided and of the account and password that he/she may manage.


The User shall exclusively use the Site for lawful purposes, as a channel of information, commercial advertising of the Owner's services and/or products. In this sense, the User is obliged to hold harmless Trim Studios S.R.L., its partners, its administrators, and its dependents, for any type of judicial, extrajudicial and/or administrative claim from any third party related to the use of the Site by the User.

Download the site.

At its sole discretion, Trim Studios S.R.L. may proceed with the cancellation of the Site when it deems it appropriate and without prior notice, without generating any liability whatsoever.


The content of the Site is owned by Trim Studios S.R.L., as well as the Holder owns the marketing rights of the trademark "Sytex", all of which is protected by intellectual property laws.

Likewise, it is made known that "Sytex" is a registered trademark and all rights are reserved in accordance with laws 11.723 and 22.362.  

The reproduction, distribution, copying, and commercialization in any format of the information, illustrations, logos, names found on the Site is prohibited without the prior written consent of the Owner.

Faults on the Site.

The Site may be unavailable due to technical difficulties, or failures in the Internet system, and/or any other circumstance beyond Trim Studios S.R.L.'s control.

In this context, the Company cannot guarantee the non-existence of eventual failures or technical difficulties in the Site, but it shall adopt the necessary measures, within its reach, for the correct functioning of the Site.

If the User is unable to use the Site, he/she may contact the Owner by e-mail at XXXXXX@XXXXXXXX.com.

Links to other websites.

The Site may contain links that allow the User to access web pages not belonging to Trim Studios S.R.L. In this case, these links cannot be used or interpreted as proof of any relationship between the Owner and third parties.

The User declares to know that the access to other sites not belonging to the Owner implies being subject to the conditions that regulate their use, as established by their owner. Likewise, he/she declares that he/she will have no claims against Trim Studios S.R.L. for browsing websites not owned by the Company.

Addresses and notifications.

Any notification regarding the Terms and Conditions, judicial and/or extrajudicial, from a User to the Holder must be addressed to the legal domicile of Trim Studios S.R.L. located at Avenida Rafael Núñez N° 6107 - Piso 1° - City of Córdoba - Province of Córdoba - Argentine Republic.

In turn, the Company will notify any information related to the Terms and Conditions through its publication on the Site.

For any questions and/or complaints, and/or observations, the User may contact the Company through the Site, as well as at the following e-mail address XXXXXX@XXXXXX.com.

Protection of Personal Data.

The Company hereby states that the data required from the User are necessary to provide answers to the queries that are channeled through the Site and/or to generate a direct commercial contact, in the event that the User so desires.

The information received will be treated by Trim Studios S.R.L. in accordance with the provisions of the National Law N° 25.326 - Personal Data Protection Law.

Pursuant to Article 14 of the aforementioned law, the User is informed that he/she has the right to exercise the right to access his/her personal data provided to the Company, free of charge, at intervals of no less than 6 (six) months, unless he/she can prove a legitimate interest. Likewise, the User is informed that he/she may request the updating, rectification and/or deletion of the data provided to the Company in a timely manner.

In order to exercise the rights set forth in the Personal Data Protection Law, the User must contact the Company by e-mail at XXXXXXX@XXXXXX.com indicating "Personal Data Protection" in the subject line.

After 5 (five) working days from the sending of the e-mail without receiving an answer from Trim Studios S.R.L., or in case of an answer that the User considers insufficient, he/she may contact the Dirección Nacional de Protección de Datos Personales, Controlling Body of Law No. 25.326, located at Av. Pte. Julio Argentino Roca N° 710 - 3rd Floor of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (Tel.: 011 - 39883968 - Mail: datospersonales@aaip.gob.ar).