your Contractor

Documentation, certification and tracking of work are common headaches for contractors.

To speed up time and reduce costs, it is necessary:

Efficiency: achieving profitability in projects.
Speed: Deliver work quickly to keep the client satisfied.
Control: management of personnel, materials and vehicles.
Reporting: finalize jobs and release payments quickly and efficiently.
Management of quotations and OC of subcontractors.

Improve the quality of your work,
Your customers will appreciate it.

Sytex simplifies the management of your works and optimizes the allocation of resources, time and materials. In addition, it automates the generation of reports to meet your clients' needs efficiently.

What do contractors achieve with Sytex?

Plan and control the activities performed by field technicians.
Effortlessly assemble documentation for each job, ready for delivery to the client.
Manage materials and their consumption at each site.
Manage purchase and sales orders to centralize administrative management.

Leading contractors use Sytex to keep track of their construction sites

My One Chile

A single source of project truth

Create work compliances, so you don't have to report twice to your client.

Plan and allocate resources for the activities requested by your customers.

Optimize resources, time and materials in your projects to reduce operating costs.

Get started today

Offer a higher quality service to your customers.