Transform your ISP

Lack of oversight of field operations and the absence of robust performance indicators are common problems faced by PSIs.

To optimize their internal processes, it is necessary:

Know what technicians do in the field.
Dealing with the lack of management indicators.
Perform overhauls and maintenance due to low quality.
Difficult to manage and non-standardized processes.

Simplify management of your network and customers

Sytex centralizes the installations and maintenance of your customers, avoiding unnecessary visits and improving productivity with real-time tracking.

What do ISPs achieve with Sytex?

Increase deployment capacity by 40%.
Record all activities on each element of the network.
Reduce after-sales technical services by 30%.
Have geopositioning of field technicians to network events.

8,000 households connect to Sytex daily

How to manage your ISP today?

Centralize everything your technicians do for your customers: Registrations, cancellations, changes, maintenance and more.

Monitors technician activities in real time.

Create yourself how you want to work and standardize milestones, even on different projects.

Sort the information of everything that happens in the field: Tasks + Reports + Materials.

Materials management: Track materials from the warehouse to the technician and from the technician to the customer.

Takes productivity metrics: Keeps track of the problems attended by the technicians.

All your work, in one place

Get started today

Get everyone connected. Accelerate your projects today.